Every day, cities and constatly growing and our surroundings become more and more cramped. Miles of concrete landscapes as far as you can see, but fortunately there are houseplants that bring a sense of nature back into our homes. Properly placed, they not only exude a pleasant atmosphere, but also filter our air, from pollution. With this little plant guide I want like to help you find out which plant fits in which room and how it can unfold its full benefits.


The jasmine is not only very beautiful to look at, but also distributes a sweet scent that is often used as an essential oil. This scent is known to relieve stress and help with anxiety. Jasmine effectively improves your sleep quality, making it a good reason to always have one next to your bed.


How to care for your Jasmine

  • Place it on a cool place with a little indirect lighting
  • A small support helps it to grow
  • Make sure that the soil is always moist
Lavender | Createbeautifulthings


Everyone knows the smell of lavender. This unique scent reduces stress and provides a pleasant deep sleep. It has been proven that lavender reduces the pulse and blood pressure and provides relaxation. So if you don’t have lavender in your room yet, it’s about time.


How to care for your lavenderl

  • Plenty of sun
  • Water only when the soil feels really dry
  • Do not over water
  • Use a small plant, because lavender can get pretty big

Snake plant

The snake plant is considered one of the indestructible plants and can be easily forgotten for weeks. It also serves as a natural air filter, improving air quality and thus ensuring a good night’s sleep. The snake plant additionally removes many chemicals from the air in which you do not want to sleep. These include, for example, xylene, trichloroethylene, toluene, benzene and formaldehyde. So for a restful night’s sleep, a snake plant is always a good choice.


How to care for your snake plant

  • Not at all
  • Any light is fine
  • Give it water when you feel like it
Aloe Vera | Createbeautifulthings

Aloe Vera

You can litterally put it anywhere. At night, aloe vera produces oxygen and thus provides a more restful sleep. It’s also very useful in the bathroom, as the gel from its leaves is great for minor cuts, burns and insect bites. As a bonus, aloe vera has a built-in early warning system, as its leaves turn brown when the air is very bad.


How to care for your Aloe Vera

  • Place it in a sunny spot
  • Plant in succulent soil
  • Give it water only when it is completely dry

Bird of Paradise

It is colorful and spreads a cheerful atmosphere. The bird of paradise or also called Strelitzie Reginae stands for loyalty, love and attention and is therefore often given as a romantic gesture. Besides, it also stands for a good perspective in life. Unfortunately, like most beautiful things, it is poisonous and you should not let children or animals near it.


How to care for your Bird of Paradise

  • Place it in a sunny spot
  • Water it once a week
  • With more sun it also needs more water


An absolute classic among houseplants. The rubber tree is a very low-maintenance plant, but it can grow very large. Since it takes up quite a bit of space, it’s best to put it in a place where it can really flourish. From there, it improves the quality of the air and creates a pleasant atmosphere.


How to care for your Rubbertree

  • Plenty of light
  • Water once a week
Philodendron | Createbeautifulthings


While the philodendron, is very low maintenance, it is also very good for your health. It filters the air, getting rid of pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, ammonia and acetone. It produces oxygen and humidifies the air, which is great against the heating air, especially in winter.


How to care for your Philodendron

  • Place it in indirect light
  • Water it when the soil feels dry
  • Give it some fertilizer once a month


The dracaena is actually suitable for any room with a bit of light. Since it grows quite tall, it is best placed on the floor. This plant filters the air of formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, and provides a healthy home. Unfortunately, it is toxic to pets and should not be eaten by them.


How to care for your Dracaena

  • Water thoroughly once a week
  • The pot should have a drain
  • Place it in indirect sunlight
Cactus | Createbeautifulthings


To top it off, I decided to go with the cactus because it’s just awesome! You only have to water it once a month and that’s it. Houseplants create such a pleasant environment and are also good for your health. Don’t even get me started on the possibilities of decorating with them, or we’ll still be sitting here tomorrow. But, we have already told you a little bit in our article: 8 tips for a comfortable home.


Finally, three last tips from me:

  • Pay attention to what light conditions your plant tolerates.
  • Most plants tolerate less water rather than more.
  • Place them in places where the temperatures do not fluctuate so much